A design competition started by Joseph Propati and has been running for 3 years. 2023 is the first time for Ben Morayta to host after trying the Solitaire contest. From this competition, it is hoped that it can create a designer’s influence on innovation in gaming.
What is the 2023 1 Card PnP Design Contest?
1 CARD PnP DESIGN CONTEST 2023 is a graphic design competition organized by the Board Game Geek Community (including RPG Geek and Video Game Geek). This contest aims to encourage the creation of innovative 1 card games with various themes and mechanisms.
Istivano is a Game Designer who continues to develop his skills in the world of game design. He is always eager to share his experiences and knowledge with the community. Struggling to raise his main card, Lazy Susan, which he said could be used as a uniqueness and attraction of the design he made.
“This card only has one card component and its mechanics match the Lazy Susan theme. Also, the card can be rotated for action”
– Istivano, Game Designer Let’s Play Indonesia
This can be used as a uniqueness and attraction of the design he made.
His hard work was not in vain and produced very proud results, namely successfully achieving extraordinary achievements in this contest. His work managed to win 3rd place as “Best New Designer” This is real proof of his dedication and talent in designing interesting card games. However, his achievements did not stop there. In addition to winning third place as Best New Designer, he also managed to rank 11th in the “Best Overall Game” category. This is an extraordinary achievement, considering his strong competitors in this contest. Istivano’s achievements can be used as inspiration for all generations of designers to continue to hone and play a role in their passion. This shows that with hard work, creativity, and determination, anyone can achieve extraordinary achievements in the world of games. Apart from personal achievements, this victory has also brought pride to the Let’s Play community and has helped promote quality and creativity in the world of games. Hopefully, this achievement will encourage many other members to pursue their dreams in the world of game design.