The Malang Game Dev Community has just held a Playtest session featuring various games from game studios in Malang City, held at Piknik Hub Malang. The Playtest event was held lively at Piknik Hub Malang, introducing games designed by studios such as Satriver Games Studio, Clay Game Studio, Indekos, Lets Studio Indonesia, Shireishi Production, and Algorocks.
Other Board Games
Participants can try various types of games, from the adorable snake and ladder modification game to games that invite us to grow trees and hunt for exciting souvenirs. After the Playtest session ended, the players provided valuable input and feedback to the game developers. This is a very meaningful moment, where the gamer community and game developers can interact and work together to improve the quality of the games we love. Want to see the excitement of the Malang Game Dev Community for yourself? Watch the video and witness the exciting collaboration from the Malang Game Dev Community.