Game Based Learning

The Game-Based Learning program is an immersive and comprehensive professional development opportunity designed to empower teachers and prospective teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate games into their teaching practices.

👥 30 Participants

⏲️ 360 Minutes

📅 August 2023

⌚ 10.00 – 16.00

📍 Malang Creative Center

Event Detail
The Game-Based Learning program is an immersive and comprehensive professional development opportunity designed to empower teachers and prospective teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate games into their teaching practices. This innovative program explores the intersection of games and learning, providing participants with the tools and strategies to create engaging and dynamic classroom experiences.

The program adopts a blended learning approach, combining interactive workshops, collaborative discussions, practical hands-on activities, and reflective assignments. Participants will engage in both synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences, allowing for flexibility and personalized engagement.


  1. Enhanced Student Engagement: Participants will learn strategies to captivate students’ attention and foster active participation through game-based learning approaches.
  2. Improved Learning Outcomes: By integrating games into lessons, teachers can promote deeper understanding, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and knowledge retention among students.
  3. Increased Motivation: Game-based learning can boost student motivation, enthusiasm, and enjoyment, leading to a positive and dynamic learning environment.
  4. Innovative Teaching Methods: The program equips participants with innovative teaching methods that align with the evolving needs and preferences of modern learners.
  5. Professional Growth: Participants will expand their pedagogical toolkit and gain valuable skills that can enhance their teaching practice and professional development.

Target Audience: The Game-Based Learning program is open to teachers, educators, and prospective teachers at all levels, including primary, secondary, and higher education.
No prior experience in game-based learning is required. However, a basic understanding of teaching principles and classroom dynamics would be beneficial.
Participants should have access to a computer or device with an internet connection to engage in online activities and access program resources.

How to register
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