Game Based Learning

The Game-Based Learning program is an immersive and comprehensive professional development opportunity designed to empower teachers and prospective teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate games into their teaching practices.

πŸ‘₯ 30 Participants

⏲️ 360 Minutes

πŸ“… August 2023

⌚ 10.00 – 16.00

πŸ“ Malang Creative Center

Event Detail
The Game-Based Learning program is an immersive and comprehensive professional development opportunity designed to empower teachers and prospective teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate games into their teaching practices. This innovative program explores the intersection of games and learning, providing participants with the tools and strategies to create engaging and dynamic classroom experiences.

The program adopts a blended learning approach, combining interactive workshops, collaborative discussions, practical hands-on activities, and reflective assignments. Participants will engage in both synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences, allowing for flexibility and personalized engagement.


  1. Enhanced Student Engagement: Participants will learn strategies to captivate students’ attention and foster active participation through game-based learning approaches.
  2. Improved Learning Outcomes: By integrating games into lessons, teachers can promote deeper understanding, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and knowledge retention among students.
  3. Increased Motivation: Game-based learning can boost student motivation, enthusiasm, and enjoyment, leading to a positive and dynamic learning environment.
  4. Innovative Teaching Methods: The program equips participants with innovative teaching methods that align with the evolving needs and preferences of modern learners.
  5. Professional Growth: Participants will expand their pedagogical toolkit and gain valuable skills that can enhance their teaching practice and professional development.

Target Audience: The Game-Based Learning program is open to teachers, educators, and prospective teachers at all levels, including primary, secondary, and higher education.
No prior experience in game-based learning is required. However, a basic understanding of teaching principles and classroom dynamics would be beneficial.
Participants should have access to a computer or device with an internet connection to engage in online activities and access program resources.

How to register
Fill out the form below.
Wait for LetsPlay to contact you back, make sure your number is always active.

Ngabubugame with Jagoan

Ngabubugame or Ngabuburit sambil ngegame in bahasa is a program initiated by LetsPlay Indonesia,specifically during the month of Ramadan to invite players to play various types of board games and explore the meaning of playing sessions while waiting for the time to break the fast.

πŸ‘₯ 15 Participants

⏲️ 180 Minutes

πŸ“… 3 April 2023

⌚ 15.00 – 17.00

πŸ“ Piknik Hub

Event Detail
Ngabubugame or Ngabuburit sambil ngegame in bahasa is a program initiated by LetsPlay Indonesia, to invite players to play various types of board games and explore the meaning of playing sessions while waiting for the time to break the fast. We believe that game-based learning method is an effective tools to develop 21st century skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication and Collaboration), that are very important to survive in business and industry. In practice, the board game used adapts to several specific topics in each session, such as business mindset, financial management and negotiation.

This program is FREE, not collected.

1. Can Be a Great Way to Bond with Others
2. Helps in Reducing Stress in Various Ways.
3. Build Memory, Logic, and Reasoning.
4. Can Teach and Strengthen Various Skills.

1. Minimum 10 participants.
2. The event is held every Tuesday and Thursday.
3. Minimum age 18+ years.

Game Lab Program

Game Lab is an initiation program from Let’s Play Indonesia and the Consulate General of the U.S. Surabaya in collaborating with the American Corner UMM and the Kaliwatu Learning Center for teacher and prospective teacher training.

πŸ‘₯ 100+ Participants

⏲️ 90 Minutes

⌚ 13.00 – 15.00

πŸ“ American Corner Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Event Detail
Game Lab is an initiation program from Let’s Play Indonesia and the Consulate General of the U.S. Surabaya in collaborating with the American Corner UMM and the Kaliwatu Learning Center for teacher and prospective teacher training on 3D printing, as well as the use of games as educational media in class. This program is FREE, no payment needed.

This program aims to use games as learning media for teaching staff and prospective teaching staff. Sharing about best practices using the Game Based Learning method in class and how to make games for learning media quickly, precisely and fun.

1. Get material on the use of game based learning as an educational medium.
2. Using existing games to help the learning process and make the learning atmosphere more interactive.
3. Get material on how to modify boardgames based on the subjects they teach.

1. Students majoring in teacher training (education), teachers, lecturers and other student staff.
2. Max age 45 years – Male or Female.
3. Can attend offline session in the city of Malang.

How to register
1. Fill out the form below.
2. Determine when the date of the GameLab session.
3. Wait for LetsPlay to call you back, make sure your number is always active.

Sekolah Kewirausahaan FEB

Sekolah Kewirausahaan FEB UB is an entrepreneur school designed to produce graduates who are able to understand and apply the science of entrepreneurship. Target Market Mapping is an event from Sekolah Kewirausahaan FEB UB to learn with LetsPlay with Game-Based Learning.

πŸ‘₯ 100+ Participants

⏲️ 90 Minutes

⌚ 10.00 – 12.00

πŸ“ Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Event Detail
Sekolah Kewirausahaan FEB UB is an entrepreneur school designed to produce graduates who are able to understand and apply the science of entrepreneurship. Target Market Mapping is an event from Sekolah Kewirausahaan FEB UB to learn with LetsPlay with Game-Based Learning.

Together with LetsPlay, learn about business and entrepreneurship using Game-Based Learning!

Fun & Games with Azeru English

Azeru English is a learning center that focuses on English, leadership and technology. In this event LetsPlay held a play session with a method that would be adjusted to learn the mindset of leadership.

πŸ‘₯ 63 Participants

⏲️ 90 Minutes

πŸ“… 15 March 2023

⌚ 16.00 – 18.00

πŸ“ Piknik Hub

Event Detail
Azeru English is a learning center that focuses on English, leadership and technology. In this event LetsPlay will hold a play session which of course can develop the ability to further study the mindset of leadership. which of course is very much in accordance with the mission of Azeru English.

In practice, the board game used will be adjusted to a particular topic in each game.


HIPMI UNISMA is the Business Study Program Student Association from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. In this event, LetsPlay held a play session using the Game-Based Learning method, to learn about the marketing strategy business.

πŸ‘₯ 35 Participants

⏲️ 120 Minutes

πŸ“… 18 March 2023

⌚ 10.00 – 12.00

πŸ“ Malang

Event Detail
Hipmi unisma is a group of business study program students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, in this session Letsplay will hold a play session which of course can develop entrepreneurial skills in a β€œrelax, learn and play” atmosphere. (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration), which are essential for survival in business and industry.

In practice, the board game used adapts to certain topics in each session, such as business mindset, financial management, and negotiation.

Re-Play: Relax, Learn, and Play

Re-Play: Relax, Learn, and Play is a session by Let’s Play Indonesia to learn by exploring many new things and also a new fun way to learn through various kinds of board games as well as topics ranging from business mindset, financial management, and negotiation.

πŸ‘₯ 622 Participants

⏲️ 180 Minutes

πŸ“… August – December 2022

⌚ 11.00 – 13.00

πŸ“ Malang

Event Detail
Re-PLAY is an online and offline game-based learning session for the young generation in East Java to develop their entrepreneurship skill with a β€œrelax, learn and play” atmosphere. We believe that game-based learning is an effective tool to develop 21st-century skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration), that are very important to survive in business and industry. In practice, the board game used adapts to several specific topics in each session, such as business mindset, financial management, and negotiation.

1. Can Be a Great Way to Bond with Others
2. Helps in Reducing Stress in Various Ways.
3. Build Memory, Logic, and Reasoning.
4. Can Teach and Strengthen Various Skills.

1. Minimum 10 participants.
2. The event is held every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
3. Minimum age 18+ years.

How to register
1. Contact LetsPlay via this Whatsapp number
2. Determine when the date of the play session, the number of participants, and the topics to be used.
3. Wait for LetsPlay to call you back, make sure your number is always active.

Dekan Cup – Universitas Brawijaya

Entrepreneur Business Competition is one of the events in the dean cup held by FEB UB, and the event is hosted by LetsPlay.

πŸ‘₯ 234 Participants

⏲️ 48 Hours

πŸ“… October 2022

⌚ 09.00 – 15.00

πŸ“ FEB Brawijaya University

Event Detail
Entrepreneur Business Competition is a learning event using the game method in the form of competition, which aims to carve out achievements and map the potential of students. This event itself was organized by FEB UB, and guided by LetsPlay.

Types of games played such as arcquire, chinatown, business craft, etc. This competition will be held twice a week, namely on Saturday and Sunday. Which is then divided into 2 sessions, and will be added up at the end of the session, for the team with the most points will win the game.

1. Get material on the use of game-based learning as an educational medium.
2. Using existing games to help the learning process and make the learning atmosphere more interactive.
3. Can add insight

1. UB students
2. 1 team consists of 5 people